Thursday, August 09, 2007

RoadRunner SUX. GoDaddy ROCKS!!!

I've had the whole week off, so I've been dicking around. And of course whenever I dick around I inevitably fuck something up. Let me explain.

One of the things Debian 4.0r0 has that Sarge never had is support for temperature and fan sensors (see below).

sensord outputI was quite surprised and a little apprehensive when I found BOT House running at upwards of 67º C whenever there was someone playing. The Shuttle XPC that BH runs on has a variable speed "Smart Fan" and although it's relatively quiet, I could hear it spinning up and down whenever the temp went over 60.

So today I decided to jump into the BIOS and set the fan for "High" instead of "Smart" in order to keep this puppy as cool as possible.

Oddly, I found that the Smart Fan default for "High" (3500rpm) was 80º C, which makes me think in retrospect that maybe I was overreacting.

But I changed it anyway and rebooted. Better safe than toasted, I always say.

And lo and behold once more RoadRunner had decided to re-IP the subnet, so BH came up with a new IP.


Not such a big deal, really, unless you've saved BH or EXP II to your favorites, in which case you're screwed to a flat board and you have to re-browse to get the new address.

OK, so no problem. Much. A few tweaks to the firewall settings, reload iptables, and we're up and running.

The biggest hassle is going back to GoDaddy's Total DNS Control page to change all my DNS settings to the new address. So, fire up GoDaddy and...

DNS error. WTF?

It seems RoadRunner decided to take its old DNS severs down as well. I don't use them directly since I have an internal DNS server that forwards to their DNS servers (long story). In order to do that I need to drop their DNS addresses whenever BH gets its IP via DHCP.

So I sniff the wire with tcpdump to get a DHCP packet (it only takes a minute or two to get one) and plug those addresses into my DNS server. Fine. Back in business, slicker'n shit.

Back to GoDaddy, change all my global DNS entries (there are quite a few) from the old to the new, jump to the command line and check the DNS entry.


Woomp there it is. GoDaddy says it takes 24 hours but in my experience it's almost always instantaneous. Or about an hour. Whichever comes first.

So why is this important? Because RoadRunner changes my IP. Here's why.

Like I said, I'm on vacation this week. To stay connected to my work environment, I have a couple of covert tunnels (ssh and openvpn) back to my home address. Each one is the backup for the other and they "phone home" via DNS. If DNS isn't right (if it has the old IP, for instance), they get lost and it just doesn't happen.

After about 40 minutes, while I was posting this, the tunnels figured out the new address and hooked me back up to work.

Some vacation, huh?

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